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We see our main role as one of clarification, supporting practitioners and organizations to bring greater clarity, depth, and rigor to their global development efforts.  Things can get very messy ‘in the real world,’ making it hard to see the bigger picture. We use AQAL theory to help clarify the ‘mess,’ hone in on hidden causes to persistent problems, and elucidate the depth dimensions relevant to the issue at hand to help those in the field become as effective as they can be. In turn, we use the ‘mess’ of the field to help sharpen the theory. We intend to archive this collective learning and wisdom for use by others and future generations.

The gap is widening between what needs to be done to enable 9 billion people to thrive on Earth by 2050, and the current business as usual outcomes we are generating. Closing this gap will make the difference between a thriving human civilisation on a thriving planet by the end of this century and the end of human civilisation as we know it.  Business, governments and civil society all have a key role to play in closing this thrival/survival gap. We at the ThriveAbility Foundation believe that the genius for innovation and enterprise to deliver the breakthroughs required is needed more than ever to ensure we make it through to a thriving world in 2050

We believe that education should be about equipping young people with the skills they need for life beyond the walls of school, college and university.

Burning2Learn runs education programmes at business, education and entertainment events that are geared towards raising self-esteem and confidence. Our programmes are for students of all ages/academic levels, and are tailored to the needs of the individual. By identifying talents and developing life skills our programmes also build resilience and motivate young people to take a more active role in determining their own futures.

Mindshift Integral is spear headed by Anne Caspari. She has been working with transformative processes of all kinds in Europe and beyond for over 15 years. Mindshift Integral was founded as a  private enterprise in 2004, when Anne was living in Italy and working with personal development and sustainability projects in the integral theory key. In 2009 she moved to Switzerland and works in different constellations with like minded partners from different countries. In 2014 Anne joined forces with Johann Entz- von Zerssen, who is also a seasoned coach who works as faculty for the Coaches Training Institute (CTI). Together, they  are working to bring personal leadership training to the next level. 

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